Curling Jokes

Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 10:00
Player Liaison

What sport do hairdressers love?...Curling! Thank you, I’ll be here all week. The phrase “four curlers walked into a bar” is used more frequently to describe a common situation than to start a joke. Curling is a social sport. Sure, you want to impress your opponents on the ice, but you also want to impress them at the bar after. Nothing breaks the ice better than a good joke. Here’s a few you can try out after your next game:

Q: Why should you get your husband into curling?
A: It’s the only way to get him to sweep the house!

Q: What’s a curler’s favorite kind of food?
A: Take out!

Q: Why are curlers such great artists?
A: They all know how to draw!

Q: What do you call a curler with insomnia?
A: Sweepless!

Q: What did one curling stone say to the other?
A: I won’t take you for granite!

Q: What was I going to say?
A: I can’t remember, I’m drawing a blank!

Remember, if you play poorly during your match, it just means that you made 4 friends and 3 enemies. That’s a pretty good ratio if you ask me. And you if happen to lock eyes with an attractive curler across the bar, don’t be afraid to approach them and ask: “my house or yours?”

A special shout out to the following team names that made the CSSC staff smile over the last few seasons:

  • A Sweep At The Wheel
  • Sheet Stains
  • Sweep Caroline
  • Sheet Heads
  • Broom Goes The Dynamite
  • Sweep Jesus
  • Sweeping Beauties
  • Here Comes The Broom!
  • Rolling Stones
  • We Swept With Your Sister
  • Ready To Rock!
  • Brier Straits
  • Hammer Time