
Let's Talk Strategy - Dump and Catch

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 14:15

In this installment of Let’s Talk Strategy, we’re going to address the ol’ Dump and Catch. This is when someone is in possession of a ball, they quickly get rid of it, and then successfully catch another ball; all while remaining live in the game.

A few ways of dumping the ball includes:

  1. Sending it over the centre line;
  2. Passing to another teammate;
  3. Passing to yourself or dropping the ball.

I know that last option sounds a bit crazy, but stick with me and I’ll explain more!

High Throws; Why It’s Time to Take a Seat

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 11:30

Whether you’re playing Rubber or Foam Dodgeball, head shots are not allowed. I think we’re all smart enough to know why they are not allowed and we’re all pretty clear on what a head shot is (it’s when the ball, you know, HITS YOU IN THE HEAD). What seems to be a bit more controversial are what we call a ‘Dangerous High Throw’, specifically in Rubber Dodgeball. 

What is a Dangerous High Throw?


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