
Big Brother is Watching … Lady Bing Awareness!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 09:30

Above all else, the CSSC is a Recreational Sports League! Our goal is to encourage as many people as possible to throw their running shoes on and to enjoy themselves no matter what their skill level may be. If you didn’t already know, our motto actually is “fun-first, winning-second” and it’s a slogan we strongly believe in. We’re very dedicated to running leagues with positive sportsmanship. Although we follow-up with teams that are not meeting that expectation, we also keep an eye out for the teams that proudly represent it.  

4's Specific Rules Explained

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 09:45

You know that feeling when you’re playing 4’s Beach Volleyball and the other team breaks a 4’s specific rule but everyone awkwardly keeps playing until you or someone on your team finally says something like, “Was that maybe a tip?” or “I think that might have been a side set.” This can be uncomfortable, especially if the other team is unaware of these specific rules:

1. No Open Handed Tipping:

A League of Our Own: A History of Our Beach Volleyball Facilities

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - 10:45

Calgary is not exactly a city that comes to mind when someone mentions the word beach. However, Alberta is a resourceful and ingenious province and we Albertans are go-getters and risk takers. So, we brought the beach to Calgary!

Since 2000, the CSSC has played Beach Volleyball at the Marda Loop Communities Association (MLCA). Players have come to love MLCA over those last 15 years and it is definitely recognized as the home of CSSC Beach Volleyball. It was the CSSC who initially approached MLCA about building these courts, which makes them feel even more like home.


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