
Keep it in Your Pants; Our Porta Potty Stance

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 10:00

We get it, you’re at your game and urine it to win it but then nature calls. You’re a whiz when it comes to sports but don’t always plan ahead. Well in our CSSC leagues, you bladder plan ahead as that would be golden! Okay, these puns are getting ex-stream.

Here are some helpful tips to avoid urination complaints from the neighbours and City of Calgary:

Online Player Orientations

Friday, August 18, 2017 - 11:30

Everyone benefits when everyone is in the know! We are excited to be rolling out Phase Two of our Online Player Orientations (OPOs) as part of our commitment to ensuring players are set up for a successful season.

In the Spring 2017 season we eliminated in-person Pre-Season player meetings, by popular demand, replacing them with an Online Orientation. As part of our continued effort to improve the player experience and the Online Player Orientation, our team has been hard at work on enhancements that we are proud to be rolling out for the Fall 2017 season!

Finding a Sub: The Struggle is Real

Wednesday, July 5, 2017 - 11:00

We have all experienced those players on our team, you know, the one who only shows up to about 40% of your league games. Their excuses are always (somewhat) valid – “I’m swamped at work,” “My car got stuck in the snow,” “I had to feed Mr. Meowington” – but they usually pay their league fees in full and they’re always up for a post-game beer, so we put up with them anyway.

You don’t want to play short (again) so you need to find a sub. This can sometimes be a tedious task, so here are a few tips to help simplify your quest:



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